User Sign Up
Users on this platform will be able to either sign up to be a volunteer or sign up on a basic emailing list to be notified of any future opportunities. If the user chooses to sign up as a volunteer, they’ll be given an account and will be directed to fill out an application. The application will ask for basic information such as type of profession/specialty and dates they are available, and the application questions are set by an administrator. Once the user fills out the application an administrator will be notified that there is a new application response, will be able to see that response, and accept or reject the candidate. If the candidate is accepted, they’ll be directed to a team search + management platform.
Team Formation
Once a candidate is accepted as a volunteer, they’ll be able to form teams. To facilitate this process, they will be able to browse profiles of other accepted candidates (as long as the volunteer indicates that they’d like their profile to be public in their user system). A volunteer will be able to create their own profile and be able to indicate what type of doctor/nurse/tech they are and indicate if they are looking for teams or not. A volunteer looking for other team members will be able to search by multiple characteristics of profiles (e.g. what type of profession the person is, how many times they’ve been to Tanzania, etc).
Team Management
Once a volunteer finds a set of individuals they plan to form a team with, they’ll be able to create a new team on the system. Within the team, all members will be able to adjust their common schedules for volunteering (based on their information submitted during the initial application). The system will generate a list of possible dates that everyone is available to leave for Tanzania.
Team Trip Logistics
An administrator of the platform will be able to set a checklist of required materials and resources each team member needs to make sure they have. A team member will be able to check off individual items and the administrator can see the progress of each team towards completing all tasks assigned to them.
When a team has completed all their required tasks, an administrator can approve a team for the abroad trip dates. At that time, a Tanzanian hospital administrator to view the team details and their logistical information (forms etc). The system will send this link to the hospital to view this information.
Post Trip Logistics
After the trip has been finished, the team members will be sent a form to rate each other (questions can be set and viewed by the administrator), Similarly, a Tanzanian hospital administrator will be able to rate/answer a questionnaire about the team as a whole. Questions can be set and viewed by the administrator. All team members will be kept updated through an emailing list managed by the system.
Created in 2006, Madaktari Africa, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, began its mission to improve health care through the training and education of local medical personnel. Our mission is to improve a country's medical autonomy by improving the availability and quality of local health care.
This project will help the organization with determining truly interested individuals and manage the logistics of creating and sending teams of doctors, nurses, techs, etc. to Tanzania and train doctors there in specialized procedures.